2019/10 - Meet the expert: Dr. Michelle Lampl is an expert in human growth and development
2019/04 - 3 signs your baby is actually going through a growth spurt
2018/12 - Grow Baby Grow
2018/08 - Erratic Sleep Tied to Baby’s Growth
2017/06 - Signs of a Growth Spurt in a Baby
2016/11 - Expert: Companies Pushing 'Toddler Milk' Need Oversight
2016/11 - Marketers Make Sugary ‘Toddler Milk’ Seem Healthy
2013/12 - Support mothers to curb the global rise in chronic diseases
2011/11 - Babies on Obesity Path?
2011/11 - When a baby's too chubby, should the doctor step in?
2011/11 - Scientists weigh in on baby fat
2011/07 - Grandir en dormant
2011/05 - Do Sleepy Babies Grow More? The Science of Growth Spurts
2011/05 - Study is the first to link sleep duration to infant growth spurts
2011/05 - Infant Growth Spurts Tied to More Sleep
2011/05 - Infant Sleep Corresponds to Growth
2011/05 - Infant Growth Spurts Not Only Occur During Sleep But Are Significantly Influenced By Sleep
2011/05 - New Mothers Don't Despair: Erratic Sleeping Habits Are Normal For Babies
2011/05 - Grandma was Right: Infants Do Wake Up Taller
2011/05 - CROISSANCE: Grand-mère avait raison, les bébés se réveillent plus grands
2011/05 - Grandma was Right - Babies Do Wake Up Taller After a Sleep
2011/05 - Infants do wake up taller, finds study
2011/05 - Infants Do Wake Up Taller
2011/05 - Grandma was right: Infants do wake up taller
2011/05 - Grandma was right: Infants do wake up taller
2011/05 - Sleep Duration Tied to Infant Growth Spurts
2011/05 - Grandma was right: Infants do wake up taller
2011/05 - It's True: Babies Wake Up Taller
2011/05 - Bien dormir pour mieux grandir
2011/05 - Dormir pour grandir !
2011/05 - Dormir pour grandir !
2011/05 - Dormir pour grandir !
2011/05 - Dormir pour grandir !
2011/05 - Dormir pour grandir !
2011/05 - Plus un bébé dort, plus il grandit
2010/12 - Poop Scoop
2010/11 - Infant hormone levels tracked through diaper research
2006/08 - Just Growing Pains
2005/02 - Emory researchers find more evidence for children's growth spurts, pain
2005/01 - Lambs at rest hint at origin of growth spurts, pains
1992/10 - Baby Isn't Growing Fast Enough? Just Wait, a Research Team Says
1992/10 - Growing Up Overnight
How Children Grow: General Overview
“Growth spurts” in The International Encyclopedia of Biological Anthropology, Wenda Trevathan (ed). Lampl, M. 2018 John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
“Saltation and stasis” in The International Encyclopedia of Biological Anthropology, Wenda Trevathan (ed). Lampl, M. 2018 John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Growth: The Scientific Basis of Saltation and Stasis Growth
Saltation and stasis: A model of human growth. Lampl M, Veldhuis JD, Johnson ML. 1992 Science 258:801-03.
Growing pains: Are they due to increased growth during recumbency as documented in a lamb model? Noonan KJ, Farnum CE, Leiferman EM, Lampl M, Markel MD, Wilsman NJ. 2004 Journal of Pediatric Orthopedics 24:726-31.
How Long Bones Grow Children: Mechanistic Paths to Variation in Human Height Growth. Lampl M, Schoen M. 2017 Am J Hum Biol 29(2): DOI: 10.1002/ajhb.22983.
Infant growth in length follows prolonged sleep and increased naps. Lampl M, Johnson ML 2011 Sleep 34: 641-50.
Infant head circumference increments are saltatory and coupled to length growth. Lampl M, Johnson ML. 2011 Early Human Development 87: 361-8.
How to Use Growth Charts
Growth chart curves do not describe individual growth biology. Lampl M, Thompson AL. 2007American Journal of Human Biology 19:643-53.
Limitations of growth chart curves in terms of individual growth biology. Lampl M. 2011 Chapter 181. Handbook of Growth and Growth Monitoring in Health and Disease. Preedy, V. (Editor), Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, UK.
Research Methods
Perspectives on modelling human growth: mathematical models and growth biology. Lampl M. Ann Hum Biol 2012 39:342-51.
The child factor in measurement dependability. Lampl M, Birch L, Picciano MF, Johnson ML, Frongillo EA Jr. 2001 American Journal of Human Biology 13:548-57.
Noninvasive methods for estradiol recovery from infant fecal samples. Thompson AL, Whitten PL, Johnson ML, Lampl M. 2010 Frontiers in Physiology 1:148.
Measurement of testosterone in infant fecal samples. Thompson AL, Whitten PL, Lampl M. 2011 Am J Hum Biol 23:820-2.
Fetal Growth and Developmental Origins of Health
Support mothers to secure future public health. Barker DJP, Barker M, Fleming T, Lampl M. 2013 Nature 504:209-211.
Early rapid growth, early birth: Accelerated fetal growth and spontaneous late preterm birth. Lampl, M, Kusanovic JP, Erez O, Espinoza J, Gotsch F, Gonçalves L, Gomez R, Nien JK, Frongillo EA, Romero R 2009. American Journal of Human Biology 21:141-50.
Ethnic differences in the accumulation of lean and fat mass in late gestation. Lampl M, Lee W, Koo W, Frongillo EA, Barker D, Romero R. . 2012 Am J Hum Biol 24:640-7.
Exposure to maternal diabetes is associated with altered fetal growth patterns: A hypothesis regarding metabolic allocation to growth under hyperglycemic hypoxemic conditions. Lampl M, Jeanty P. 2004 American Journal of Human Biology 16:237-63.
Growth patterns of the heart and kidney suggest inter-organ collaboration in facultative fetal growth. Lampl M, Kuzawa C, Jeanty P 2005 American Journal of Human Biology 17: 178-94.
Infant Nutrition and Health
Promoting Healthy Growth or Feeding Obesity: The Need for Evidence-Based Oversight of Infant Nutritional Supplement Claims. Lampl M et al, Mummert A, Schoen M. 2016 HealthCare 4:84 doi:10.3390/healthcare4040084
Early identification of children at risk of later obesity. Frongillo E, Lampl M., 2011 Invited editorial, Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine 165 (11): 1043-4.
Predictive Health: The Science and Education
2016 Al Mheid I, Heval MK, Ko Y-A, Ahmed H, Vaccarino V, Ziegler T, Gibson G, Lampl M, Alexander W, Brigham K, Martin GS, Quyyumi A. , Effects of a Health-Partner Intervention on Cardiovascular Risk. J Amer Heart Assoc 11;5(10). Pii:e004217.
2013 Dupree L, Welkley J, Lampl M. Case Letter: Engaging Young Adults in Proactive Health Behaviors—A Goal Setting Process. Global Advances in Health and Medicine 2:5.